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Company logo: Anna McLaughlin Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Anna McLaughlin

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

An experienced and busy private acupuncture practice located in the heart of Chester,
Cheshire UK, dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and specialised in
helping to relieve pain and discomfort, promote mental health and support fertility and
all aspects of pregnancy.

Through her combined academic training in both Physiology and in Chinese Medicine
Anna offers a unique balance between western science and eastern philosophy,
providing an individualised package uniquely-tailored to your health needs.

Used for thousands of years to promote health and alleviate discomfort, acupuncture is
a very safe, natural and often potent treatment able to alleviate discomfort as well as to
promote and maintain health and wellbeing.

Owing to a steadily growing body of scientific research, acupuncture has been
embraced by many of the western medical community as an appropriate treatment for
many health complaints, including use alongside conventional pharmaceutical
treatments to reduce their side effects.

Please get in touch to find out more how Acupuncture can benefit you.
Studio 10,    Ironmonger House,    96 Northgate Street,    Chester,   Cheshire    CH1 2HT
Sakura Cherry Blossom

For appointments and enquiries:
Tel: 0845 269 6319 /
07796 615 662