a picture of acupuncture for shoulder and back pain
There are hundreds of commonly used acupuncture
points on the body and each point has its own unique
combination of energetic actions and therapeutic benefits.

The most commonly used acupoints are located on the
arms, hands, legs and feet, and the specific combination
of acupoints selected during treatment is individually
tailored during each and every session to give optimum
benefit to your unique health picture as it improves over a
course of treatments.

The goal of Acupuncture, in accordance with TCM
philosophy, is to bring about harmony and balance to all
energetic processes of the body.
acupuncture model depicting acupoints and meridian channels
Company logo: Anna McLaughlin Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Anna McLaughlin

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
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Acupuncture is one of the oldest effective systems of medicine in the world with a
clearly recorded
written history dating back over 2000 years. Archaeological evidence
suggests Acupuncture has been used for at least 3000-to-5000 years and as the same
points are applied in today's modern practise, their therapeutic benefits have withstood
the test of time.

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine sterile disposable needles just under the skin
on specific locations on the body. Acupuncture points (acupoints) are specific points on
the body which are able to activate the flow of Qi (the vital energy of the body) to ease
tension and pain, and to promote relaxation and healing.

"to treat a part is to treat the whole"

The majority of acupoints are located along energy channels, called meridians. The
meridian channel system forms an elegant integrated energy network to promote
harmonious flow of energy throughout both body and mind, treating the whole person.

Acupuncture is able to help:

  • Relieve pain and discomfort
  • Promote relaxation to relieve depression, anxiety and stress
  • Alleviate insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Improve energy levels
  • Benefit digestion, relieve IBS symptoms and promote weight loss
  • Addictions
  • Support natural fertility and help improve success of IVF
  • Promote health and prevent illness

What happens during an acupuncture session?

An acupuncture treatment session will include a full consultation of your medical history
and presenting symptoms. A Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) consultation will then
be conducted to give a very specific idea of your energetic picture and how best to
promote it. A prescription of appropriate acupuncture points will be selected and
needled with your full consent. After treatment the needles are removed and
immediately disposed of; all needles used in treatment are pre-sterilised, single-use,
disposable needles. The length of acupuncture treatment is usually about 30 minutes
during which you will be allowed to relax in comfort (most people fall asleep!).
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© Anna Clarkson    All rights reserved 2024
Studio 10,   96 Northgate Street,    Chester,   Cheshire    CH1 2HT

For appointments and enquiries:

Tel: 0845 269 6319 /
07796 615 662  
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