Lifestyle, Exercise & Diet

Lifestyle, exercise and diet represent three free therapies which you can incorporate
into your course of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments of Acupuncture,
acupressure and Tui Na Chinese massage.

As appropriate you will be advised as how to take advantage of these self-managed
treatment methods during your consultation and subsequent treatment sessions to
optimize health benefits both during and after your course of treatments.

1. A healthy traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) lifestyle is the cumulative
result of all behaviours which help to define your unique health picture. There are
many aspects of lifestyle (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) which contribute to
defining health.

Healing depends on our assuming new and balanced lifestyle patterns to allow health
to emerge and while it is an easy thing to subscribe to principles of a "healthy" lifestyle,
it is completely another to make these principles a part of your life.

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are
                       challenged to change ourselves."
                                                --- Victor Frankl
Close up of a pear with a measuring tape around it and chrome dumbbells in the background
2. TCM dietary therapy gives you knowledge to
choose appropriate foods to complement your TCM
health picture while simultaneously giving you freedom
to enjoy your food.

TCM promotes a nutritious and healthy balanced diet
by recommending you eat with seasonal availability
and favour quality over quantity with regard to dietary

Through its holistic philosophy, TCM dietary therapy
provides you with knowledge of how to moderate and
balance indulgences while promoting an optimum state
of health all year round.
3. Exercise is a key component in TCM as our bodies derive energy from activity and
movement. The type of exercise and the environment in which exercise is carried out
all promote different aspects of energy flow.
Yoga silhouette
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Anna McLaughlin

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
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Not limited to Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong, TCM exercise
recommendations can extend to more accessible
forms of exercise including swimming and walking.

It is important to note that the nature of exercise
advised to be of the best benefit can even extend to
recommending you
avoid certain exercises.

Therefore, not all exercise is "good exercise", for
example weight-bearing exercise in certain conditions
can be damaging to tissues of the body and therefore
exercise which supports the body such as swimming
can be a more suitable alternative. .
Having an awareness of your own unique energetic balance is beneficial when
choosing which types of exercise are best suited for you.
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© Anna Clarkson    All rights reserved 2024
Studio 10,    96 Northgate Street,    Chester,   Cheshire    CH1 2HT

For appointments and enquiries:

Tel: 0845 269 6319 /
07796 615 662  
About Anna
Health Promotion
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Tui Na Chinese
Diet & Lifestyle
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